feeling greater aliveness through nature connection

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“I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive”

— Joseph Campbell

Do you remember adventures in nature as a kid or teenager, running, jumping, imaginary games that took you to other worlds?

I believe aliveness is something we all have experienced at some point, that feeling of being totally absorbed in an activity or experience, senses tingling, feeling energized and anything seems possible!

As we get older and take on the responsibilities of life - family, kids, work… Somewhere our connection to feeling alive can fade. I know for me there have been points where I remember what it used to feel like although I am unable to access it. Where did it go?

Have you felt this?

I’ve created this free session as a way for you to explore:

1, What aliveness is and feels like for you. 

2, The connection between aliveness and your connection to nature.

3, What you can do to feel more aliveness in your life, more frequently..

An important part of this session is the opportunity to hear how other people experience aliveness and their connection to nature. This points to how similar our experiences of the natural world often are and reminds us that we’re not the only ones who feel this way.

  • Taryn's Experience

    I’m eternally grateful to Lawrence for supporting me through a period of huge personal and spiritual growth. His gentle style of guidance built a safe container for me to explore ideas and philosophies that I have now begun to embody. My levels of awareness, gratitude and acceptance have blossomed and I now feel more resilient in the face of life’s challenges. Ultimately, working with Lawrence has helped me access greater freedom and choice in how I live my life.

  • Steve's experience

    I've been blown away by the results of working with Lawrence. It has allowed me to see fundamental drivers in my life that I was totally unaware of. I came away from each session with grounded awareness of skills to work on. It's like he has shown me the light switch which allows me to see more of my conditioning, now I have the choice to sit in the driver's seat and steer my way through situations rather than being on this rollercoaster ride in the dark wondering why everything is so difficult.

  • Brett's experience

    I am deeply grateful to Lawrence for his soft, playful presence and the wisdom he carries as a megaphone for the living earth. His skill as a coach combined with his deep sense of place and wild awareness is a rare gift. I’m glad for me and the world that he is doing what makes his soul sing, mine is whistling as a result!

About Me

Hi, I’m Lawrence. If you’re new to this page I’d love to tell you a bit about myself and Nature Connection Coaching.

A few years ago it felt like the doorway to another world opened…

During a period of massive change and uncertainty, I was introduced to nature connection practices, ancestral skills and the idea of communicating with my soul and internal rightness. I realized the answers and connection I was seeking could not be found in the human world alone.

Literally a world of possibility opened up in front of me (or I should say around me), and I started to realize I have been surrounded by the thing I was seeking all my life.

Deeper connection to nature and the living world gave me a sense of belonging and inclusion that I’ve never felt or if I had only fleetingly.

Maybe this a doorway to find what you are seeking. I can offer you support on your journey - ultimately the destination is up to you 

Lets chat and see what alchemy and magic we can create together…