A hub of nature and earth-based learning

Our society is moving further away from our earth-based ancestry into an increasingly digital, mechanized and isolationist culture. This disconnection and loss of community is causing stress, unhappiness and ecological destruction. For many, there is a feeling of being lost or adrift due to the separation from nature and our tribe.

Nature Connection School is a place you can go to unplug from the modern world in a supportive and nourishing environment. A place where you can remember what your body and what younger children already know – that we are inextricably part of nature.

When we connect with nature, our nervous systems relax and come into resonance with the natural vibrations and intrinsic aliveness. Nature is a place our bodies know so well and as we spend time with less outside influence, we start to feel safer and nourished at a subconscious level, creating a sense of wellbeing. Our role is to help you remember what most of us have forgotten or simply have not been taught – the joy of being alive and deeply connected to nature.

We’ll gather on Gumbayngirr Country for a full day of nature, connection and ancestral activities. We’ll share an evening around the campfire, telling stories, and feeling connected from our day – just like we have for thousands of years!

The next Nature Connection School date is Saturday 22nd June 2024 - Winter Solstice weekend!

nature connection school

at nature connection school You’ll experience:

Nature connection practices

Skills that reawaken your ability to connect deeply and easily with nature, expanding your awareness and enjoyment of the living world.

Sit spots

Time spent at a spot in nature in observation and curiosity about the natural world.

Fox walking

Imitating a predator or prey, moving silently and with awareness of everything around you.


Spending time barefoot, feeling the sensations through your feet and earthing your electrical charge to be aligned with the Earth.


Observing animal tracks, hoping to understand who made them, where they were going and why.

Bird language

Learn to understand what the birds are saying. They can tell you so much about what’s happening around you in nature, all animals listen to them!

Ancestral skills

We are all descended from tribal earth-based cultures. These skills are in our DNA, and as you start to wake them up, you will be surprised at how much pleasure they can bring. Learn to make fire by friction, fiber craft and basket weaving, and bush shelter building.

Nature-based games and importantly – a lot of fun!

Wild awareness practices

Discover levels of awareness far beyond what the modern world believes is possible. Learn how to quieten your mind and focus your awareness on nature to experience the world the way other animals do.

Plants are amazing!

Learn about how plants can help us live, thrive and survive. A deeper understanding of the plant world can change our perspective and increase our connection to nature.

Philosophy of the living world

Learn a different and freeing perspective. At school we are taught we are separate from nature – even our language “going into nature” suggests this. Our perspective is this: we are inextricably part of the living world, children of mother earth, made of stardust (literally!). When this part of us is ignored, we can feel lost and adrift, looking for something we don’t have a name for. Maybe it's time to come home 🙂

Digital detox

Take a break from the modern world through limited phone reception and a shared agreement to turn devices off for the weekend.

We’ve all seen the increased reliance on the digital world over the last 10-15 years, causing further separation from nature and mother Earth. We understand the need to use technology in our modern world. But what’s not being offered or even really talked about is tech addiction, and how to provide opportunities for people – especially those under 25 – to have a break.

It’s so much easier to take a tech break when you’re doing something amazing, like learning new skills and connecting with nature and others. This time away from screens might even translate back into your regular life and shift the technology-nature balance a bit!

I am a father of four daughters, I get it! I’m also an addiction and recovery coach, and a nature connection instructor. I have the skills to help in this area.

When you take the time to connect and play with like-minded, supportive humans, you feel amazing, and an ancient, very wise part of you starts to wake up. A light in your eyes and a childlike wonder returns. You may even look years younger!

All of this magic happens on our beautiful property on Gumbayngirr country, northern NSW, surrounded by national parks and state forests.

50km’s from the nearest town, nestled in a beautiful mountain valley. Our only neighbors are the local wildlife – kangaroos, wallaroos, wallabies, echidnas, bandicoots, platypus, goannas, endangered ring-tailed rock wallabies, abundant birdlife, microbats, and so much more! It’s an incredibly diverse region, with rainforest pockets to rocky escarpments and over 8km of river frontage.

important information


Locality of Diehard, 2370 northern NSW. 2 hours from Grafton and 50 minutes from Glen Innes.


Nature Connection School is open to everyone: adults, families and children. Children under 16 must have an accompanying adult. Activities are designed for adults and children above the age of 8. Children under this age are welcome but remain the responsibility of parents. Often we’ll end up with a few kids playing together! We’re creating a mini village and children are very much a part of this too.

Food and facilities

Camping areas, flush and bush toilets, drinking water, and a small camp kitchen are available. These days/weekends are self-catered so please bring enough food for yourself and family for the entire duration.


Please bring your own tents and camping gear. You are welcome to arrive on Friday evening through to Sunday for an additional small fee. Enjoy an evening or two around the fire and really drop into the land that holds us!


Our property is in a beautiful high mountain valley. In the summer we enjoy hot days with cooler evenings.spring and autumn are beautiful. In winter we see lovely, clear skies Cold at night but awesome round the fire! Beautiful, starry skies all year round. No light pollution and elevated altitude – a great combo!

The importance of Indigenous connection and respect for the land

We are located on Gumbayngirr Country, not far from the border of Ngoorabul Country. At the head of a valley which sits just below the tablelands, traditionally this valley was one of the main access points for travel from the coast to the tablelands. As such I am told that it was considered a meeting place due to its geographic location and – depending on the time of year – would have had plentiful food supplies, making it a good place to stop during travel or meet for ceremony.

All the land we are on is Indigenous land. For me to live and offer programs on this land, it has been essential to spend time building relationships with members of the Indigenous peoples.

Through these relationships, I hope that what I offer is in alignment with the principles of the Traditional Custodians.

I am inviting people into a deeper relationship and connection with the land. Helping people to remember they are part of nature and belong here. I believe this helps people feel respect and gratitude for the living world, which I feel is a step in the right direction. As a mentor of mine used to say, it's about “doing things in a good way”.


Nature Connection School (daytime only)

Adults (17yrs+)- $100 per day 

Children (9 - 16yrs) - $50 per day 

Younger children (0 - 8yrs) - free  

Family price - $250 per day

All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and remain their responsibility.


$20 per person, per night

Younger children camp free

Family price - $80 per night


Or fill out the interest form below if you would like to connect for a chat first. Directions to the site and further details will be supplied upon booking.

Lets chat about Nature connection school!