Nature connection in action!

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  • What is Wild Awareness?
    • 25/10/22

    What is Wild Awareness?

    Our bodies contain the combined wisdom of the many thousands of years it has taken for us to evolve to here and we are connected deeply to the natural world this is Wild Awareness.
    Drawing upon our intuition and Wild Awareness is how we survived as a species. We made our decisions by deeply trusting our Internal Rightness, our sense of what is true for us.

    The modern world egotistically believes we have evolved beyond this and have disconnected from nature, creating a feeling of something deeply missing and the ability to damage the living world.
  • The Magic of Bird Language

    The Magic of Bird Language

    There is so much being said around us all the time, the birds are the gate keepers of the forest and bush. Many animals and other species rely on the birds to let them know whats happening in their vicinity.

  • Dingo Walking Instructions

    Dingo Walking Instructions

    Dingo Walking is a conscious movement and nature connection technique, it slows us down and enables us to become deeply aware of our environment.

  • Demonstration of Destination walk

    Demonstration of Destination walk

    A visual demonstration of how most of us walk in everyday life, relatively quick, feet being placed heal first firmly on the ground.

  • Demonstration of Dingo Walking

    Demonstration of Dingo Walking

    Notice the deliberate foot placement, slow pace, knees slightly bent-lower centre of gravity, the person seems to glide through the land.

  • Wide Angle Vision instructions

    Wide Angle Vision instructions

    This technique enables us to expand our field of vision and enabling us to receive vastly more information about our environment, we become more sensitive to movement and our others senses become heightened.